Fanny de Chaillé

Stage director

After her Aesthetics university studies at the Sorbonne, Fanny de Chaillé works with Daniel Larrieu at the Tours National choreographic center. She simultaneously collaborates with Rachid Ouramdane and also performs in Gwenaël Morin’s playsShe participated in visual artists’ projectssuch as  Thomas Hirschhorn or Pierre Huyghe. 

Since 1995, she makes her own  installations and performances: Karaokurt (1996), La Pierre de causette (1997), Le Robert (2000), Le Voyage d’hiver (2001) and Wake up (2003). In 2003, she starts developing work for the theatre with pieces such as, Underwear, pour une politique du défilé (2003), Ta ta ta (2005), AMÉRIQUE (2006), Gonzo Conférence and À nous deux (2007). Furthermore, Fanny de Chaillé collaborates with Emmanuelle Huynh as a dramaturg for Crible and ShinbaÏ. She’s the assistant of Alain Buffard in Tout va bien (2010) and Baron Samedi (2012), and joins a Session poster initiated by Boris Charmatz at the Avignon Festival in 2011. With Grégoire Monsaingeon, she co-founded the musical duet “Les Velourses”, with whom she creates Mmeellooddyy Nneellssoonn in the «albums» series of Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, in Paris, which she’s the associate artist during three years. In 2011, she creates Je suis un metteur en scène japonais based on Thomas Bernhard’s text Minetti and Passage à l’acte, co-signed with visual artist Philippe Ramette. 

In 2013, she’s guest artist at the Centre Pompidou’s Nouveau Festival and presents the project La Clairière. 

Her most recent piecesLE GROUPE (2014) based on Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, and CHUT (2015), a tribute to Buster Keaton, were  conceived at the Espace Malraux, Scène nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie, where she’s presently associate artist. Her collaboration with Pierre Alferi begins with COLOC in the frame of L’objet des mots/Actoral 2012, and the duo Répète (Concordanses 2014). Today it continues with LES GRANDS (2017 premiere) in which she questions adulthood status and the different reality layers which constitutes a person. 

She was an associate artist at the CND in Lyon from 2017 to 2020 and offered “Journées d’étude” to the artistic community, amateurs and students which allowed meetings and exchanges developed around a theme for reflection and discussion (“Dramaturgy in dance”, “Interpreter in dance”, “Production, issues and uses” or even “Making dance speak”). 

Since 2014, Fanny de Chaillé has been an associate artist at Malraux, scène nationale Chambéry Savoie where she created her most recent piece intended for university amphitheatresDÉSORDRE DU DISCOURS (2019) after “L’ordre du discours” by Michel Foucault (ed. Gallimard) also presented at the Festival d’Automne in Paris. 

She also imagined an AUDIOGUIDE project: LE MONT-CENIS (2019), an audio documentary that gives voice to its inhabitants as well as an installation project for public spaces POEME MONUMENT (2020) in collaboration with the designer David Dubois. 

Fanny de Chaillé is invited to direct 10 young actors for Talents Adami Théâtre 2020 and the Festival d’Automne à Paris: she offers them a project entitled LE CHOEUR based on the writing of the poet Pierre Alferi.